Maharishi Parashara in Vedic Astrology

Maharishi Parashara is a well-known Vedic Sage who is regarded as the father of Vedic Astrology or Jyotish Shastra. He is recognized as the creator of the Vishnu Purana, the first of his son Veda Vyasa’s compilation of 18 Puranas of Hindu literature. Parashara Rishi was the son of Adrishyanti and Shakti Muni and a disciple of Yajnavalkya and Bashkal. Parashar Rishi completed his education under Bashkal Rishi, Bashkal Rishi is well-known as Acharya of Rigveda. According to certain recognized literature, Parashar Muni received his education from Maharishi Yajnavalkya. 

Who was Maharishi Parashara?

Maharishi Parashar resided with his mother and his maternal grandfather, Maharishi Vasishta. He had always looked up to Vashishtha as his father. The mother of Maharishi Parashar once informed him that his presumed father was his grandfather. Maharishi Parashar was very surprised to hear his mother’s words. He enquired about his paternity from his mother. His mother informed him that the demons had already killed his father before he was even born. Maharishi Parashara became furious after knowing of his father’s passing. He was upset and furious about his father’s lack of protection against demons. Maharishi Parashar decided to plan a Yajna to get revenge for the passing of his father. 

Maharishi Parashar decided to execute a yagna to destroy both the human and demonic tribes. However, during that time, Brahmrishi informed him that a sage must defend religion, not exact revenge, thus he forgave humankind. Thus, the yojana was started to exterminate the demons and it also destroyed numerous demon clans. Then on the Persuasion of Pulsatya Muni, Maharishi Parashar abandoned the idea of completing the Yagna. 

Birth & Life of Rishi Parashara 

Sage Parashara was raised by his grandfather, Rishi Vasishtha, one of the Saptarishi. It’s because his father Shakti Muni passed away before he was born, and there’s a fascinating story behind Sage Parashara’s birth that involves the death of his father. Sage Parashar’s birth date is unknown, however his name appears in several religious books and literature. Using these inputs, we can estimate the period of the birth of Maharishi Parashar. He is also mentioned in Arthashastra and Garuda Purana. It is thought that the Parashar period began around the Mahabharata era. According to Srimad Bhagwat, the conversation between Maitreya and Vidur shows that the Sage Parashar was living in the fourth Ashram ( the Sanyasa Ashram, which is from 70 years to 100 years of age). The beliefs state that Parashar was born two or three millennia ago. ArthMaharishi Parashar life was supernatural, divine and unique, he gained knowledge about complex subjects like Ethics, Astrology, Dharma Shastra, Ayurveda and Architecture and provided them for the upliftment of the society. 

Rishi Parashara and Satyavati 

Satyavati, who was also known by the name Matsyagandha because her organs smelled like fish, was a former sailor. Her work was to take people across the river Yamuna in her boat. In the course of crossing the river one day, Rishi Parashara got in her boat and was drawn to her beauty. Rishi Parashar then expressed his desire to have a relationship with her. But she was unwilling to engage in an immoral relationship. However, Parashara persisted in pleading with her, and eventually Satyavati accepted on three conditions: 

  • They ought to keep their actions hidden from view. To make peace with Satyavati, the yogi Parashara uses his yogic abilities to cover everything in thick fog.
  • No matter what, her virginity should not be lost. She was then given the assurance by Parashara that once she gave birth, she would regain her virginity.
  • She wants an aroma to replace the fishy smell emanating from her body. The sage then created a fragrant atmosphere. 

After that, they got together and Satyavati gave birth to Krishnadvaipayan, who was their son. Later Krishnadvaipayan was popularly known as Veda Vyasa, an author of Four Vedas. 

The Eternal Truths of Parashara Gita 

In the dialogue of Yudhishthira and Bhishma in the Shanti Parva of Mahabharata, Bhishma reveals the conversation between Parashara and Raja Janak to Yudhishthira. This conversion is known as ‘Parashara Gita’. There are talks of knowledge related to action and religion. 

Who is the Best Parashari Astrologer in India?

In light of the fact that you have recently grasped the foundations of the Parashari style of Astrology, who would make the ideal choice for a reading? Well, the answer is merely straightforward, You only go for the best Astrologer in India, which is Mr. Yogesh Lohra. He has completed years and years of rigorous instruction to become a skilled practitioner of Vedic and Parashari astrology. He has gained mastery over all the concurrent areas of study related to Astrology, such as gemology, numerology as well as vastu. Thus, if you are looking for complete astrological services, either for your personal needs or businesses, then Tropical Rashi is the best online platform where you solve all your problems related to financial, match-making, gemstone consultation, business, careers and many more.